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Monday, May 17, 2010

`Smile to make people happy :) ; 6:58 AM
Been a long time since i update my blog sorry... forgot about it liao. Woooo exam has just ended and my hockey has started.My coach........bloody hell gave the whole team total HELLL!!!!!!!!!cause the 6 aside match is near.Now playing mouse hunt in facebook to kill time as well as to click for the fun lol k i gtg for a dota match,tomorrow going watch robin hood with sam and ken and somemore people bb

Monday, March 22, 2010

`Smile to make people happy :) ; 7:01 AM
Todaymorning study as always for monday to friday.At the afternoon i went home to take my hockey stuffs and have KFC for lunch with samuel haha:) Then both of us went to Ming Yee house soon after it rained.Play play play as always there cause thats the only thing we could do.Time up we got to go school so we ran to school then we found out that there is no hockey training today. I was like WTF at that moment, i went home to take my hockey stuffs,got wet cause of the rain BUT in the end we did not have training.Haizz no choice we went to Ming house again cause if i go home i also dont know what to do.Then the action and full time emo boy who wants attenttion of girls Nicolas Tay suggested that we should stroll towards the shelter instead of running.OK so we entertaint him a bit incase he cry LOL.Then nothing much already, just go Ming house play naruto then bye bye cause samuel thought that today is hungry ghost festival and if he dont eat he will say GG infront of me. OK my eyes are dropping down good night.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

`Smile to make people happy :) ; 1:40 AM
WOOO.....finally my father brought us out again, its been a while since i went to orchard.We watched How to train your dragon and it was wicked.We had pepper lunch then after that we when home nothing much to see there. Ok i go play my game bye...

Friday, March 19, 2010

`Smile to make people happy :) ; 10:25 PM
Feeling cold after a rain.Now my whole house feels like the air-con is turned on at 20 degree.My leg is very painful so i did not go for today's morning training.Wonder if my coach would scold the hell out of me or not.Also as usual i got tuition at 3.30 today afternoon.Haizz byebye

Thursday, March 18, 2010

`Smile to make people happy :) ; 7:06 PM
Today i come to school as instructed by wei jie...i reached school at 8.30 seeing no one LOL ....Now in the mac lab doing nothing waiting for everyone to get ready before i can do my english project.Nicolas Tay Jing Dog is sleeping like a dog now.After that i went for my hockey training as usual till 7.30 then reach home.My english project for my group did not do anything so prepare to fail.Now going to do my ace learning math HW..gtg

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

`Smile to make people happy :) ; 6:57 PM

Second day doing my blog....with the help of adrea yesterday(though she was very slow), she managed to do my blog till so nice but the sad part was my eyes were poping out cause i stayed up too late.Hope that today will be a better day.

`Smile to make people happy :) ; 7:25 AM
First time blogging.....trying to understand this thing may take a while or a long time i don't know .

Shao Fong
14 yrs old
Teck Whye Sec Sch
Hello , I'm a boy named Shao Fong whom is out-going & gets to play along with his friends everytime. Hockey is my CCA for the next 3 yrs. My fav color is 'Green' because i love nature. Please get along well with me because i do not like to quarrel with people. If you dislike me , kindfully , please just click the red cross[x] at the right hand corner. Thnks !(:

PlayEveryday ; Relax, don't stress out ; See mother nature ; Sick at the right time


March 2010
May 2010



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